High Copay or No Insurance?

Save time and money with telemedicine!

myphysician360™ offers an easy alternative through telemedicine

As deductibles increase, Americans are more likely to be on the hook to pay out of pocket for basic doctor visits to diagnose a simple UTI or Strep Throat. 

Health insurance can be hectic and expensive. Even after paying enormous amounts of money each month, many people still have to pay a high copay after just a consultation with a physician. For those without insurance, needing to see a doctor can break the bank.

40 million (13%) Americans are uninsured.

98 million (31%) Americans are underinsured with high out-of-pocket costs and deductibles each visit.


On average, telemedicine visits have proven to be much more cost-effective than in-person visits

Telemedicine is paving a brand new world where there are no hidden fees and no copays: just one payment to have a consultation with a board-certified physician. The average estimated cost of a telehealth visit is $40- $50 per visit, while the average estimated cost for in-person acute care is $150. Many people also go to the emergency room for conditions that are easily treatable from home, which can cost upwards of thousands of dollars.

Let me just tell you how happy we are with this product! We used the rapid strep test for our 5 year old. It’s beyond super easy to use AND it comes with a doc to write the prescription! We have horrible insurance so the price made it a very viable option. I will use this product again!

This was my first telemedicine experience. I wish I had tried the service sooner. I found it to be a great value and very professional.

It was a great fist time experience with online medicine!

We offer telemedicine consults for common conditions like:

...and more!

Take advantage of the many benefits of telemedicine

The best part is that telemedicine not only saves you money, but also time, as you can chat with a medical provider from the comfort of your home. At myphysician360, you can receive a telemedicine consultation for a number of conditions ranging from UTIs, strep throat, flu and more for just $30, with no hidden fees.